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Microtube ø4,2



Main features


The Inoxtechnik heating elements are used to heat different equipment, such as:


Table A




















* Steam generators for Turkish bath, cooking, beauty treatments, ironing machines, drying hoods, body treatments, disinfection, coffee machines, surgical - dental sterilization, showers, sauna, humidification and so on.
Note: It is possible to request particular realizations as far as load and tube material are regarding.

Technical features 

Heating tube length


The heating tubes can be supplied with the following lengths. They are suited to the heating elements according to the use purpose.























The high performance microtube heating elements ø 4,2 mm are more and more appreciated in different fields.
The tube covering material is defined according to the use purpose (see Table A). The criteria are: the surface temperature of the mean to be heated and the working load.

Electric values


* It is possible to supply any power or voltage (up to 400V) provided that the resistance is within the value limits reported on Table B and that the surface loads of the heating elements are included in the admitted values (see Table A).


Table B









Sampling inspection (100%-inspection) according to the European and International standards. Special inspections on request.
We submit our heating elements to a continuous quality and finishing inspection to guarantee a constant high quality.


Warranty and safety


Our heating elements have a 2-year warranty. An incorrect use or a wrong handling after our production cycles relieves us from all and any responsibilities.
In case of assembly of a heating element in finished equipment it is necessary to respect the safety norms in force.


Technical data for eventual requests


In order to arrange our offers and proposals, we need to receive specific data as far a the following is concerned:


  • Use purpose
    Heating element in still air
    Heating element in motion air (air speed m/sec)
    Heating element in a liquid (water, oil, etc.)
    Heating element in other means (acid solutions, saline solutions)
    Heating type: (assembly) direct, indirect, built-in


  • Heating element size or - better - assembling room at disposal, length of the non-heated ends


  • If possible, enclose a sketch or a drawing in scale 1:1




Area for ø 4,2 mm length 1 cm = 1,32 cm²


Non-heated ends


From the tube end up to the heating area: 50, 60, 80, 105, 135, 155, 175 mm. Bigger lengths on request.


Tube lengths - Tolerances


1) from              0 – 499 mm                        ±   5 mm
                      500 – 1499 mm                      ± 10 mm
                     1500 – 2000 mm                     ± 15 mm

2) In case of bent elements, to be defined according to the drawing.


Bend radius


Minimum bend radius for ø 4,2 mm = 7 mm
Measure the bend radius in the middle of the tube.








Using equal bend radii is cheaper.






These graphs represent the typical features after use tests. It is necessary to compare the behaviour in relation to the use.
Anyway they are general information, which can change in relation to the different use purposes.






















Note: Our heating elements, suitably controlled, can be assembled even in plastic containers.

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tab 2 EN.jpg
tab 3 EN.jpg
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